Don Fum's mysterious directions say what? Let's find out together!

Starting in the name Jelliken. 

Little history to help you understand what I'm seeing. I've matched the cloud patterns to the day directed for locations in the cipher off world-view. Which means the aerosol, gel, liquids mentioned in the cipher is applied the the air just as I thought. The names are like a puzzle. You just pull line items from each name to form that picture. 

Check out these Key PLayers to the NANO push Don Fum says is so important. 

There are two reasons for the push. One is to sicken and control the population while the other is to use it as preventative medicine.

For instance, the character name Gertrude Baroness Trump eludes to the use of RNA. RNA nanotechnology is a branch of nanotechnology concerned with the design, study and application of synthetic structures based on RNA. RNA nanotechnology takes advantage of the physical and chemical properties of RNA rather than the genetic information it carries.

If I'm reading this cipher correctly Don Fum is saying the MIC is working together globally under the guise of climate change to spray different nanomaterials onto the populations globally. 

Because I'm targeted and I know for a fact the aeronautics engineer I met named Don Ashford contracted with them, I couldn't help but use myself as a way to gauge what this thing is saying. You see, back in 2005-2007 I was really sick and I kept going to the Doctor to get help. Doc said nothing was wrong with me. After a year, my visits became more frequent, and I was really ill. Doctor Gahl out of Muncie, IN (with AHN) said, "you need a psychiatrist". I cursed that man out (shamefully) and got me a new doctor. 30 days to the date of him telling me I needed psychiatric help (for massive weight loss, the inability to work out like I did six days a week, and fevers) I was told I needed to write my will because I was not going to make it out of the hospital. 

I was told at 29 (just a week prior to my 30th birthday) I was not going to make it. Now that I've Don Fum's mysterious directions I know without a doubt this is the plan to bring in the new world order and to target the remnant of the 12 tribes of Israel. It may be a jumbled mess while it's in its cryptic format. However, I know without a doubt they're using molecular biology to target the 12 tribes with military tactics.  

By using particle physics and nanotechnology. 

So when I got sick I was not treated right at the docs office.  The Doc totally ignored all my claims for a year, and dismissed my weight loss, along with my change in working out. He told me I needed a psychiatrist. Then 30 days to that date I had a 103.7 fever and was admitted into the hospital. 

My new doctor said I wouldn't make it. I was going to die. 

The admitting nurse was giving me a catheter and said to me, "Oh, my how have you been walking?" I'd laughed and said, "I wasn't walking you wheeled me in here". 

She said, "NO! I mean how have you been walking for the last three or four months?" 

I told her the situation and she said she would sue the crap out of Dr. Gahl. 

I should've. I really should've sued him and American Health Network for the traumatic injury to my body for dismissing my illness to the point I almost died.

Now, looking back on it -with Don Fum's mysterious directions- I can't help but see what happened. 

There are trillions of dollars in the pharmaceutical industry. There are also trillions of dollars in research and development of pharmaceuticals for advancements in Medicine as well. 

According to Don they've already done the research and are merely deploying their tactics on unsuspecting citizens. As well as specified targets. While they roll out reasons to use their "newly" developed nanotech in medical offices across the globe. 

Oddly, ordinary law-abiding citizens are targets. I being one, can pick up many of the attributes from the cipher that would be related to targeting the health of citizens via nanoparticles being sprayed on them (or by using some of the other methods they use). I will try to explain this in a manner cohesive enough to follow along. There are many components to everything coming from each character's name out of the book. 

By the time everything is listed properly. It will be a fairly large book. I'm going to stick with the biggest aspects to begin with and build on this in later posts. 

I've come to learn nanotech is RNA and it can be controlled via computer systems. I believe that's why many targets complain of microwave technology. They've done just as they've always done in times past (used citizens as test subjects without their permission). 

Imagine this while you read through this writing.

I'm targeted. I got sick as a child often. There was always a hidden hand in my life causing weird things to happen. Mostly smear campaigns that started as a child. The first smear campaign was when I was 14. A girl said I'd had a hotdog stuck in my vagina and had to go to the hospital to have it removed! It ruined my childhood and really followed me into my adult years. 

Anyhow, these tactics I've identified (and will briefly touch on here) are military-style tactics used on dissidents. Although I know this is a spiritual war we are living in (and these are devils doing what they do) I believe I landed on a list because of agent orange poisoning that comes through my Fathers bloodline. This caused them to keep an eye on me for the duration of my life. As well as to use me as a test subject for their developing technologies. At around the age of 6, I'd seen a UFO hovering over our house with my mother, brother, and sister one day. Now, I almost feel as if all of this is interrelated somehow for a good reason. 

#1 I encountered really odd situations with my doctors that my brother and sister didn't.
#2 When I was older I began having break-ins when I lived alone. One time my panties were coming up missing. I mentioned this to my mother. I'd jokingly said, I wish they'd leave me money to buy some more. Another pair come up missing and I found a 50 dollar bill in my room that I know I didn't leave there!

Were they listening to my calls? 

It freaked out. I moved out as quickly as possible (this story is longer than what I'm saying here). 

Anyhow, my next home caught on fire from sparks coming out of the walls. Set up to get into another place I'd encountered a few strange scenarios in the new house. Such as my tags on my car being stolen. Another time I'd left my stuff at the house and needed to go back and get it. I'd had my phone in my hand tossed it into the passenger seat. Ran into the house to get what I left and when I returned about a minute and a half later my phone was missing. It happened so quick I felt like someone had to be following me to do it. 

These sorts of scenarios kept happening frequently. Break-ins where money was missing overnight. Items were coming up gone often and then later being returned. And people seemed to know my business without me ever speaking about it to anyone as if I was being spied on?

Then, being sick and going to the Doc's just to be told I need mental help, but always ending up hospitalized with some illness that was septic? I couldn't make sense of any of it. So I merely dismissed it all.

But what really was happening? Since then they've tried killing me so many times. I've even seen military-style operations that were carried out by men and women of different races, ethnic backgrounds, and of all different ages. Some people had their very own children involved. It was like I was living in a bad movie! 

What if I was on this list as a kid and they found a way to poison me with their molecular biology technology? What if they were sending signals at me so that I would get sick? What if they were not allowing doctors to see my illness by simply fixing all the tests that were being done on me? Does it sound as strange to you as it does to me?

I've lived it. I believe they spent decades using their military powers to put molecular biology stuff into peoples food (or maybe they administer it when they're sleeping) and then they keep track of the research project with rogue groups?

I believe it helped them to advance their world domination plans all while testing the studies they were developing. Such as nanotechnology. Plus, this helped them to kill off the 12 tribes of Israel without them even being noticed?

Well, here's a bunch of aspects in DFMD and some of the facts. I'm using line items from Don Fum's mysterious directions to show what Don Fum is saying.

Don says:

Aerosols, gels, liquids

Nanoparticles are found in aerosol injections. Don fum has an entire system related to space, the upper atmosphere, mesosphere, and stratosphere, and relates to their radar system (surveillance) put in place. Also, I matched the locations of the Universities to the cloud patterns on the day Don Fum said they would be deployed. So it is very clear the universities are the grid they're using to spray these aerosols. 

According to "Aerosols could be injected into the upper atmosphere to engineering the climate by scattering incident sunlight so as to produce a cooling tendency that may mitigate the risks posed by the accumulation of greenhouse gases."

The way they gauge the effects of nanoparticles in aerosol injections appears to be regional. For instance, Gertrude Baronness Trump says Tuesday and Thursday. There is a list of Universities in this name. This would be the grid they use to spray on Tues and Thur's aerosol injections. DF says mouse units of biological toxicity are based on population reports. It is also mentioned to gauge and repeats the methods. In my assumptions, I'd say they get the medical reports of regions and base their operations on what that report says. 

It would appear someone at the top of the corporate ladder knows what's being sprayed and where. Cause they're ordering the stuff to have it sprayed. Plus, Don Fum gives the different elements of what they're spraying. There are places like Fischer Science that are involved in the making of this stuff. Plus, they're sending out pilots to spray it. Well, then there's a health system put in place that allows medical providers to report health effects. Such as which tells what illnesses are popping up in places across the globe. 

So let's say the hierarchy wants to kill 30,000 people in a month. They would use x amount of biological toxicity to put into aerosol injections. They go out spraying this stuff every Tues and Thursday in the specified locations. Over the course of the month, people are going to the hospital for various sicknesses. These sicknesses are logged and mapped for hierarchy to gauge the outcome of their activities. would then log if there are respiratory, std, or vectorborne alerts and where they come from. This would allow for the hierarchy to determine if they've used enough or too much. 

I will put line items applicable to my assessment straight from Don Fum's mysterious directions. Then, we will put what we learn together to form a picture. This post is the first of many posts. Each subsequent post will be titled the same as this one (except for the number at the end). This is part #1

Gertrude breakdown:

  • palliative medicine
  • Psychosomatic Medicine
  • Promethium: "Promethium is a chemical element with the symbol Pm and atomic number 61. All of its isotopes are radioactive; it is extremely rare, with only about 500–600 grams naturally occurring in Earth's crust at any given time. ... Chemically, promethium is a lanthanide. Promethium shows only one stable oxidation state of +3." " Most promethium is used for research purpose. It can be used as beta radiation source in luminous paint, in nuclear batteries for guided missiles, watches, pacemakers and rados, and as a light source for signals. It is possible that in future it will be used as portable X-ray source." "Active since roughly 2002, the Promethium advanced persistent threat (APT) group has been exposed time and time again by security researchers and civil rights outfits for prolific surveillance and intelligence-gathering related to political targets. "
  • Prime meridian (zero longituted)
  • Probability of Mutation (genetic algorithms)
  • photographic memory
  • Polarization-maintaining (fiber optics)
  • purpose-made
  • pulse modulation
  • prototype model (engineering)
  • playmemories (software; Sony)
  • Patient Movement (US DoD); Definition. The act or process of moving wounded, ill, injured, or other persons (including contaminated, contagious, and potentially exposed patients) to obtain medical, surgical, and dental care or treatment. Functions include medical regulating, pre-hospital patient evacuation, and en route medical care.
  • Particle mesh: a mesh networking tech built on Thread, and designed to connect the spaces in between existing Wi-Fi and cellular deployments local networks that are low-cost, secure, and ultra-reliable. 
  • Polymyositis (Immune disease causing muscle inflammation)
  • Peritoneal Metastasis
  • Pons-Medulla; The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting, and vasomotor centers regulating heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure. ... The pons (part of metencephalon) lies between the medulla oblongata and the midbrain. It contains tracts that carry signals from the cerebrum to the medulla and to the cerebellum.
  • propulsion module
  • Polymer Morphology
  • Passage Material (US DoD)
  • Passmonster (security software)
  • propomesial
  • Unconditioned Response (psychology)
  • Usage Record (computing)
  • Technology
  • Transition Metal
  • Thoracic Vertebra (prefix, as in T-1, T-2)
  • Thymine (DNA base)
  • Transmissivity
  • Primary immune system white blood cell
  • Total Nitrogen
  • Twisted Nematic
  • Nephroblastoma Overexpressed Gene
  • School of Sciences and Engineering (various schools)
  • structure systems and engineering
  • Society for Scientific Exploration
  • Steady State Efficiency (energy measurement)
  • Siemens Science Experience

Let's just stop here for this post. Let's apply some of my thoughts and studies to these line items. 

School of science and engineering is an actual school. But let's just say there's a dualistic meaning. One that everyone knows and one that only those on the inside understand. You've a target. This target was given some nanomaterials in their food. Someone has been assigned to track their every move, send specific signals their way to alter their DNA or the RNA that was administered to them. The human body is a structure of systems that can be altered using energy. 

Is this even possible? this is a question we will search out in these writings. 

I would like to note: I'm applying for disavility because of my illnesses. I've lost the ability to move my arms like everyone else. I've also got problems of being dizzy and sick frequently. Notice how 

  • Thoracic Vertebra (prefix, as in T-1, T-2) 
is noted in Gertrude? What if they gave me something that attached itself to my spinal cord? The symbols T1-T2 represent the 12 thoracic vertebrae. One of the many areas I've had a problem with since I was a child. In fact, I've my pediatric medical records that show I've had a lump I've complained about in my neck as far back as 7. At 5 I began complaining about headaches being in the ear. Now, 43 years later and I can assure you that these are related. Which means since I was 5 years old I've had a problem with my ear and my back. It's now on record that I've spinal degeneration in every area of my spine. Spinal stenosis in the neck and lower lumbar regions. This region of the vertebra controls abdominal muscles, lower back, stability and support. Pain from this area can radiate to other areas of your body and not be centered where the injury actually is. My skin is always burning and this area of T1 thru T12 provides sensation to the skin.

So, is it far fetched to say that they could've done something to me when I was younger and now I'm feeling the effects of it?

Well, let's just see. Is it possible to use a nanoparticulate to inject into the spine?
Yes, it is possible. In fact, there are multiple studies on this. Nanoparticle technologies in the spinal cord.

If they can use it to produce something good. Isn't it possible they could also use it for something bad? Of course they could. 

2021: "The President's 2021 Budget requests over $1.7 billion for the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), with an increased investment in the foundational research that will lead to discoveries that will advance a wide range of areas including key Industries of the Future."

It is said on Azonano, "“You only have to look at how IT made a huge difference to both the US economy and US military strength to see how crucial technology is,” says Harper. “Nanotechnology is an even more fundamental technology than IT. Not only has it the ability to shift the balance of military power but also affect the global balance of power in the energy markets.” In their report of Worldwide funding for nanotech they list countries with a budget to support research and development of nanotech. 

In Don Fum's mysterious directions are key terminologies associated specifically with nanotech. I'm no were near a scientist. Nor am I even slightly educated in the research and development of the tech -or the diseases for that matter-all I can do is write down connecting attributes from the cipher and see what information comes up. 

The particle Physics in You- "About 99 percent of your body is made up of atoms of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. You also contain much smaller amounts of the other elements that are essential for life."

According to Don Fum these are key players/instruments in the nanotech push

The Defense Forum

Department of Defense

Global Netoptex Inc; Business ID C3004719  business type is listed as foreign stock. Incorporation date 6/27/2007 address is 2269 Chestnut street PMB#290, San Francisco, CA 94123The Company's line of business includes providing computer processing and data preparation services. Current resident agent is "REGISTERED AGENT SOLUTIONS, INC.". This business registered office address is "2269 CHESTNUT STREET, PMB#290, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123". Global Netopex Inc has multiple partnerships. And is also listed as optex a global network active in over 30 locations. they're building "a better future" by using sensing technology to create a safe, secure and comfortable global society." In the USA Optex incorporated has sensors for intrusion detection, automatic door and other special applications. Fiber SENSYS, INC is also associated and they deal with fiber-optic intrusion detection systems. 

BigWorld have formed a strategic partnership with Global Netoptex, INC. 

Cage Codes stands for "Commercial and Government Entity. It is a unique 5 character alphanumeric identifier that is required for a company to do business with the government. International use is performed throught the NATO codification system, or NCA, and those are NCAGE codes. On page 1653 Global Netoptex is listed."

NIH is a line item term out of Dfmd

NIH offers special grants and contracts for research with special consideration. 

DDF Summit:

Key Business Terms:
Network Industry (frequent in company description of the new economy)
New Institutionalism (EU)
Nuclear Instrumentation
Natural Interference

References: nano sleeve


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