Current world news; Link List
As y'all know, I do a lot of research, and I like to keep up with current news I feel is relevant in understanding the time we're in. Headlines I note vary from climate change to finance and are important to me because of a plan I've been working on that's cryptic. This cryptic plan gives me insight into what to look out for, and I document the headlines in order that I can keep providing solid proof to TMUJOBT is a cryptic message and is the plan of military's and governments to bring in the one-world government, I'd learned of during my walk with Christ Jesus. Even those who don't believe in there being a God have to at some point admit all the connections made are pretty creepy and impossible if it weren't for the fact I've their plan in cryptic format. These "link-list" are of extreme importance to every one of us on both sides of this spectrum because of the life-changing implications they bring with them. These sorts of posts will be ...