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A manhole explodes in Massechussetts. I have been saying these events would be happening. Here we have it. They're 

LAWRENCE —  This is the 2nd sinkhole in the last three years. "A gaping sinkhole at a historic mill site resulting from a deteriorated underground South Canal pipe has drawn the attention of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The Lawrence Hydroelectric Project’s new owner, Patriot Hydro told federal regulators they will fix the underlying problem by summer." Meanwhile, local officials and others say the sinkhole heightens the reasons for canal maintenance and why should continue to be tied to the hydro company’s license to operate. "The sinkhole’s cause was believed to be water leaked from — a pipe — and from a downspout on the New Balance Footwear Company building, according to an incident report Patriot Hydro filed with FERC in January. Patriot Hydro told regulators that it has restricted access to the sinkhole and no injuries resulted from it." The city's land-use planner said he had heard nothing about the 16-foot-wide, 16-18 feet long, and 12-foot-deep hole. He also expressed concerns about the route the water is taking. 

In the article, it is clearly lined out... It is a pipe in the ground

Who else told us these pipes in the ground would cause problems?

Don! I've told y'all this a number of times. Faulty pipes would be to blame for major land shifts. 

4/6/2023 Daisetta, TX a sinkhole swallowed a lady in her car. She got out before the car was fully pulled down. Since then, residents have packed their bags and are ready to leave. This post is seeming as if this just happened in April. I shared this sinkhole a couple of months ago. So, it is not an April 2023 sinkhole. Thought that was important to put out here. 

4/10/2023 Man falls into 50-meter-deep sinkhole in Hà Giang. It took them 10 hours to get the man out. 

North Carolina, Sinkhole on April 5, 2023, Bus - with no occupants - fell into it outside of a theatre. Glad the kids weren't hurt. Thank you, Father.

On April 11, 2023, Fire in Indiana evacuates residents that were downwind from a recycling plant that let off big plumes of black smoke in its inferno. Guessing they didn't get enough ground covered with contamination from the Ohio Train derailment or the Kentucky barge incident

Did you know that Don showed me they planned on cleaning all this mess up? Look at the sinkhole in Daisetta. They're saying it was first tied to oil/gas operations. Just like Don TOLD US. 


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