First Responders Get Ready For the BIG ONE

Disaster plans for the Cascadia (check, check, done)

                      It may be time to rumble....?

When the Mississippi ran backward in the early 1800's no-one was prepared for it. That doesn't seem to be the case for the next BIG ONE. This simulated event brought military and first responders together and just as Event 201 helped with the Covid pandemic, will create an environment where people will know how to respond.  How brilliant to plan for huge events for the just-in-case scenario. This FEMA-hosted event will allow properly trained candidates to jump right into action while mitigating errors the untrained would be privy to. That is unless they were injured in the initial event. After all, that is a possible scenario. 

I can't help but say...

Is it just me or is it fascinating how the powers that be are on top of ensuring its citizens don't suffer more than necessary in the event of a serious situation?  Oddly considering the last event, and how quickly after it commenced, the planned-out scenario happened... Can we give them a standing ovation? I mean, if they hadn't done mocked-up scenarios these agencies wouldn't have known how to respond. The seriousness of the last event changed millions of people's lives drastically and ironically it all happened less than two years after they prepared for it, you can't tell me they don't deserve a round of applause. 

If these first responders weren't trained we never would've been entertained by doctors and nurses in the emergency rooms dancing. Those skits were quite entertaining. The training allowed these employees to work feverishly around the clock while also preparing dance routines for the world to see. Obviously, the training paid off. 

Kudos to FEMA for taking note and deciding to jump on the 'prepared' board. I wonder what type of entertaining pieces they will come up with this time something major happens? I mean, that is, if it happens in our time. Professionals say, 25-50 years...

While, some conspiracy nuts are saying any day now. Surely no one listens to them guys. 

Anyhow, on another note. As previously stated, professionals say the BIG ONE isn't set to happen for the next 25-50 years. So I'm not sure how teaching this generation will benefit them. Unless they magically know something just like they did with the COVID-19 pandemic?

What are your thoughts on it?







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