old cipher texts post (damaged blog) reposted

Reading Don Fum's mysterious directions hasn't been easy. But, it's been well worth it. It gives me and you a "heads up" on what is really happening behind the scenes. I don't try to speak much on things that I can't seem to prove, and I also don't like putting information out here that's "controlled". This makes me  believe people can be confused moreso than what they already are. 

About 8-10 months ago I told everyone that Don Fum appears to show us they've been spraying us with nano-particulates that will then be activated by a technology field to make people sick. Around that time I did a video concerning the effects of 5g that was said to be strong enough to change our molecular DNA. So now that the coronavirus is out I feel that I can validate the claim I made some time back. 

As the book said, "the people will tell thee" I believe that the people are telling us, just in the same manner they deliver all the lies in, and it's up to us to find out the truth of it all. 

First, let me mention that the coronavirus was put into perspective by the Prophet Jonathan Kleck, and what he states stands true. All I'm doing herein is showing how it all fits together from a human perspective (not a spiritual one although everything is about the spiritual nature of everything).  

According to Science Daily:

"A nanoparticle (or nanopowder or nanoclust
er or nanocrystal) is a microscopic particle with at least one dimension less than 100 nm. Nanoparticle research is currently an area of intense scientific research, due to a wide variety of potential applications in biomedicaloptical, and electronic fields."

Science daily also tells us:

"Nanoparticles are of great scientific interest as they are effectively a bridge between bulk materials and atomic or molecular structures." 

So what is the purpose of creating an effective bridge between materials and molecular structures? Could it be because they're trying to change your DNA so that only the reptilian side of the brain works effectively snuffing out any possibility of waking up to this draconian system of systems? 

According to Wikipedia, "a molecule is an electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. Molecules are distinguished from ions by their lack of electrical charge." This means the human body is a molecular structure. "A normal human cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes in its nucleus, each a single, very long, molecule of DNA."

"Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium."

If they wanted to make your body an electrically charged unit this could be done by infecting a person with nano-particulates right? Think about this. Once a nano-particulate enters into the body it attaches itself to your DNA in turn making you (and me) a walking "computer" or walking electrically "charged unit". According to NCBI in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology research

"DNA serves as a data storage system, transmitting digital instructions to molecular machines, the ribosomes, that manufacture protein and enzyme molecules in turn, make up most of the molecular machineries in living systems.  Nanobiotechnology employs nanoscale principles and techniques to understand and transform biosystems (living or non-living) and uses biological principles and materials to create new devices and systems integrated from the nanoscale."

The study claims that this form of biotechnology is "expected to expand in the next few years" and was posted in 2010. We can see through the works that have been published, and the current situation that started in WUHAN, that this technology system of systems is in fact not only beyond the stages of development, but is passed the point of deployment and the effects on health is now able to be gauged on a massive scale through what we are now calling the Coronavirus or COVID-19 as named by WHO

A study conducted by Howard M. Kipen and Debra L. Laskin entitled Smaller is not always better nanotechnology yields nanotoxicology says:

"Nanomaterials are receiving increasing attention for their promise as engineering and biomedical miracles. Unfortunately, their use may ultimately be limited because of concerns about toxicity (14). The fact that their size overlaps with the ultrafine particles ( 0.1 m) characteristic of urban air pollution confirms a basis for this concern. It has been well established that air pollution, in particular fine particles, can increase morbidity and mortality from pulmonary and cardiovascular causes with both long-term and immediate effects (10–12) (refer to publication for specifics)

The study goes onto say "As stated by the authors, the present studies suggest that workers exposed at the current permissible exposure level may be at risk of developing pulmonary fibrosis."

According to another study titled The role of epidermic growth factor recepter signalling in SARS published in April of 2017:

"Many survivors of the 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) developed residual pulmonary fibrosis with increased severity seen in older patients. Autopsies of patients that died from SARS also showed fibrosis to varying extents. Pulmonary fibrosis can be occasionally seen as a consequence to several respiratory viral infections but is much more common after a SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) infection. Given the threat of future outbreaks of severe coronavirus disease, including Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), it is important to understand the mechanisms responsible for pulmonary fibrosis, so as to support the development of therapeutic countermeasures and mitigate sequelae of infection."

Just as the study says. "it is important to understand the mechanisms responsible for pulmonary fibrosis" and since we know that nano-particulates can make put human subjects at risk of pulmonary fibrosis it may be safe to assume that the China's residents are simply reacting to the nano-particulates they've been inhaling for the last few years. 

Since we now know a bit more about Coronavirus, and what nano-particulates can do, it may be wise to consider using what we know already in conjunction with what we are learning here. Such as the spraying operations they've deployed over the last few years in every city, town, state, and country across the globe. 

Don Fums mysterious directions told us the Green nano initiative was a huge part of the plan and would be used to control the science and direction of future studies and the direction they would be employed. 

Before I go into that I would like to mention how these studies conducted are held in a data-base for review by students all across the globe. Thus, these studies could be "held back" so to mislead anyone who may be able to make the connections through simply controlling the software (as the m i l i t a r y currently does). One way I can see this is being done is through Bell University

"Established in 1998, Bell University Laboratories (BUL) is a research program of projects that encourage collaboration between university researchers (including students) and Bell Canada experts. Bell University Labs at the University of Waterloo is managed by Vic DiCiccio in association with Lorna Josephs (Associate Director, Bell University Laboratories)." 

The delegated parties would then in turn keep any new emerging scientist or biologist from making the nefarious connections on their own. Which may cause everyone to stand up for their rights and alert the people as to what is really happening in and around our daily lives. 

Back to this green nano-initiative: 
According to greennano.org:

"The Initiative brings together chemists, biologists, materials scientists and engineers from the Oregon

Soon after I posted this Dana Ashley posted a video that they recently took down. View this video on Brighteon here  https://www.brighteon.com/42d3cd7d-ac25-443e-b071-742f04c7b72c

Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute [ONAMI] to pioneer new approaches to the design, production and use of nanomaterials. SNNI was initially developed in partnership with and funded by the Air Force Research Laboratory."

Interesting that Don Fum tells us through the cipher that the RAF is at the top of Don Fums mysterious directions. As a matter of fact in the book it says the motto of Baron Trump's family is "Per Ardua ad Astra".

According to Wikipedia: "per ardua ad astra is a Latin phrase meaning "through adversity to the stars"[1] or "through struggle to the stars"[2] that is the official motto of the Royal Air Force and other Commonwealth air forces such as the Royal Australian Air Force and Royal New Zealand Air Force, as well as the Royal Indian Air Force until 1947. The Royal Canadian Air Force used it until 1968, when it adopted the motto sic itur ad astra, a similar phrase meaning "such is the pathway to the stars." It dates from 1912, when it was adopted by the newly formed Royal Flying Corps."

To think we are under the rule of corporations set up to take out a massive amount of our population shouldn't be hard when you take into consideration the Georgia Guidestones standing on government grounds that's written in eight different languages, and the first line of the re-written ten commandments is, 1. Get and keep the population at a half a billion. We are at over 7 billion in the world today, and as I previously reported, deagel.com in 2017 published a report of what the population would be by the year 2025 and they projected 227 million Americans would be dead

How do you suspect they planned to get that done? 
Could this be one way of extermination? 
I'd say so given the connections made from this work. 
And the other way is the seismic earthquake, along with missiles that will be being shot at us but, let me stick to this...After I say, we live in Satan's world and planet earth isn't our final destination because it's not our original habitat.  

The book openly makes a connection to the R o y a l A i r F o r c e in it's infamous way of hiding the truth in plain sight. Then, in the cipher it says, green-nano-initiative, gives a grid of locations through-out the world (one that I managed to put into a map and matched up to the aerosol injections -that was for the given day out of the cipher- and they perfectly matched), this also tells us heavy metals and disease they'd be spraying mouse units of over the population according to the population average in that area.  

WHAT? Many people claim I've went crazy talking about something that makes absolutely no sense and here we are sitting with the Greennano.org statement bridging all of these aspects together to Don Fums mysterious directions and his statement of "the people will tell thee"? Can we be serious here, and put all the facts together, before pointing fingers at me?

"SNNI was initially developed in partnership with and funded by the Air Force Research Laboratory."

Developing the ability to spray nanotechnology on us in order to cause oxidative stress in our bodies to make catching a virus that more easier, and upon catching this virus, die that much quicker should be clear by the time you read all the material I've included in this post. 

(((so long as they've not messed with it. This system is so good I can work hard for absolutely no reason seeing as they magically change my crap! Which is extremely annoying YET, You see I don't give up so easily)))

The reason I never wanted to talk about Coronavirus is because little to no-one would understand the simplicity of it all, and those who can, mostly are working in conjunction with them to accomplish this goal of extermination (the few that are awake and follow me are why I decided to put this together). They complicate everything making all the information in the world not enough help to connect these dots. I can only connect the dots because of the Holy Spirit filled message I was learning concerning the simplicity of the gospel. These people are under the control of the Prince of the Power of the air and aren't spiritually discerned.

5g is powerful enough to change your DNA but we find that our DNA is NOT naturally charged with electricity. In order to over-ride this matter of mere schematics they've made your body full of electrical charges by spraying you with nano-particulates making it possible to put oxidative stress on the body through our 5g surroundings. And then through additional magnetic entropy kill people off in the name of Coronavirus Covid-19.

Yes, it is just that simple...

consider this,

"The 5g Nancore is a convergence of below mention technologies. 

  • Nanotechnology
  • cloud computing
  • all IP Platform

These technologies have their own impact on exiting wireless network which makes them in to 5g".

Making you a walking talking computer maybe??

    Although some media outlets would like to persuade you to believe that 5g has nothing to do with the Coronavirus I'm here to tell you it can be proven that it does. It is in fact a driving force.

    Wuhan is the capital of Hubei, and one of the first pilot cities of the 5g network in China. "Central China's Hubei province has built more than 300 5G base stations and achieved full 5G signal coverage in its prefecture-level cities, local telecom sources said" in 2018.

    As someone else said:

    Just like an unknown NEW virus, these NEW and very tiny 5G wave forms are an invasion of unknown energies the body has to adjust to to survive. It is really PROBABLE that these VIBRATIONS WEAKENED the Wuhan Residents just enough for the otherwise manageable virus to successfully attack, fortify itself and multiply as a SERIOUS THREAT.

    If the Hysteresis of a field, like a human body, is DISRUPTED past a point of no return from ENTROPY like 5G Waves; ADDIDIONAL ENTROPY may be enough to kill they system.

    Proof what I say is in fact not only relative but the truth of it all. 
    DNA-Based Applications in Nanobiotechnology

    Science Daily nanoparticle

    Smaller is not always better: nanotechnology yields nanotoxicology

    Nanoparticles and DNA – a powerful and growing functional combination in bionanotechnology
    The role of epidermic growth factor recepter signalling in SARS
    Per Adura ad Astra

    Central China 300 5g stations installed 2018

    repair free radicals at home

    All glory to the Lord God, Abba Father, in the name of Jesus Christ who brought all things done in darkness out into the marvelous light.


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