This blog doesn't attack people's computers like ciphertext and donfum does, however, it does seem they got to this one too. Some of my posts seem scatterbrained and unfortunately, I can't repair all these posts. However, I keep them up in hopes that readers will understand what it means to fight an establishment that hates the truth. There are many downfalls and one of them is they will make you look utterly crazy.

I can only hope that the information found on this blog ends up being useful for someone. At the very least, maybe it will spark someone to look into something they'd not thought to before?

and both were compromised even worse. It is why I purchased in hopes to prove they mess with my material. It even made it so that I had to read every post I've written and post the video of it because they seem to be able to hack everything. Despite all of that. My heart is really set on making people see the truth of this world.

After all, Jesus is the truth, and it is written: Ye shall know the truth and the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.


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