Link List of News (using for a model to test out an ad unit)

On Aug. 5, 2021, Yellowstone is Shaking! (WHAT'S GOING ON?!) was produced by Jason A. at around 3:32 in the video the newscaster says "5.8 earthquake rattles Japan". Frank Billingsley is handed the microphone and he says, "Why is it big? Well, let me tell ya, it starts with a tsunami in Japan"

Umm, folks, this is what I said months ago. Almost a year ago I was shown this in Don Fum's mysterious directions. I feel it's mockery at its finest. These news anchors probably have zero idea war is headed their way. They probably also don't realize that a huge earthquake is going to -quite literally- crack this nation in half. Not like divide it (like we are now) between black and white. I'm saying open the Mississippi up! There are business plans revolving around making the Mississippi the major import and export area around the year 2025. At one time, I'd had that file. They got to it though and I've not been able to find it on the www since. 

Anyhow, this big event I've been warning about is already beginning to show its face. 

I've been warning that Don Fum shows me multiple things such as intense hurricanes (IDA is headed to Lousianna now), Icelandic hawks (meaning severe winters), poisoning of the air, food, and water with nanotechnology, and chemical terrorism. Of course, there's more. I'm just kinda reminding everyone that Don Fum is about the overall plan. Not just a portion of it. He says there will be a major earthquake to hit the world, and just following that earthquake, soldiers -from other nations- will touch down on American soil. There are multiple nation militaries with some play in all of them. I'm not that skilled that I know it all. All I know I can say is these soldiers are listed as Chinese and Russian (with some Islamic involvement from either IRAN or some other place- real quick on this point- it appears they were going to use men from Afghanistan, Syria, and those places that we've spent the last two decades warring with because these guys would absolutely love to get revenge on the American's for what we've done. At least that's what Don Fum alludes to). Anyhow, there's also N A T O involvement, Indian Army, Turkey, Russian Sleeper-cells, and Islamic sleeper cells that appear to have already been placed here some time back. Whoever wasn't here would be brought in. I thought the caravans were about this. Now we have the issue unfolding that's said to have killed 15 of our Navy men.  The specifics on all this aren't really known. 

What I do know, I've either said here or in some of my other writings. My point here is to say that they planned this war out and it's to begin just after this seismic earthquake according to Don Fum. 

It's time to wake up. Get your hearts right with God. 

There's evidence they're just off in the waters awaiting this event so they can attack. And I can assure you 80 miles from New Madrid the land is trembling. The damage I've said they've done is so close. People can feel the water rushing from below their feet out here. I just may go talk to a few people to see if I can verify this for you. 

This is one of the very many videos I've seen regarding military movements. People are beginning to see something strange is going on, to say the least. Yet, still, there are many people who believe they're about to bring Trump back so that he and his team can annihilate the shadow government. I keep trying to tell these people that WE ARE THE SWAMP! 

It's biblical folks. Every jot and tittle of God's word will come to pass! According to prophecy the only thing that remains to be seen is America being destroyed. We are on the cusp! 

America, just like in my vision, has fire coming out of the sky and gets invaded. My dreams tell me, along with the spirit of the Lord, WE ARE GOING INTO WAR, and judgment has come to America. This is why I've also been telling how Don Fum tells me the same exact thing my vision does. Plus, it lines out exactly what the Prophet Jonathan Kleck has been saying. 

Who cares about what I don't know? Isn't it odd that I've said anything and it's happened? Isn't it odd that I matched the grid I took out of the names in this cipher and matched them up to the aerosol injections in the sky on the very day that Don Fum told me aerosol injections with mouse units of biological toxicity would be deployed? Isn't it odd that I've named Turkey and Russia in situations and they're currently in them (and I know nothing about politics or military movements from any kind of study on it prior)? Someone told me it was a coincidence. I'm like, Oh, the delusion! Please, Father, wake them up! 

I can't help but want to shake some of you awake! Arise o'sleeper awake from the dead and Christ will give thee light Ephesians 5:14! He is speaking to many of YOU. 

Okay, let me just link these articles. (I know I'm a little passionate about waking many of you up and you're likely not used to it.) 

May 25, 2021, Russia deploys nuclear-capable bombers to Syria for training

NewYork 80,000 Russian Troops Remain at Ukraine Border as U.S. and NATO Hold ExercisesBiden administration officials said they saw the sustained deployment as a message from Moscow that it could match the number of troops taking part in the maneuvers:  Excerpt from the article: "Administration officials said they were taking the sustained troop presence at the Ukrainian border as a message from Mr. Putin that he could match — and, in fact, dwarf — the number of troops taking part in American and NATO exercises in Europe. The American-led exercise, called Defender Europe, officially began on Tuesday. It includes about 28,000 troops from the United States and European allies participating in maneuvers over the next two months across Albania and other parts of Eastern Europe on Mr. Putin’s doorstep. And over the next month, NATO will lead another exercise, called Steadfast Defender 21, in Romania and Portugal."

What's so heart-wrenching is the need for the news to sugarcoat everything. They planned an all-out war years ago and while these (so-called exercises go on) the land is shifting. You can bet your arse that Russia and China know about this seismic event Don Fum clearly lines out. They know they're going to war with us. They shook hands in agreement on it. Just read your bibles and you would know this. It's written in the book of Daniel and Ezekiel. 

While the militaries sit off in the water awaiting this big event. The ground is swaying here in Tennessee and the Delta waves are making it hard for me to sleep these days. As they talk about the DELTA variant they're talking about Delta waves and telegraphing something that has to do with it all in the many b..s reports. 

The recent signal that was put out on the 25th of Aug told me the signal is a 4 out of 5. 

In this linked video the homeowner says he experienced a landslide back in 2018 and wants to avoid losing the house altogether, so they purchased their neighbors' property and hired a company to move their almost 1 million-ton home just up the hill. Written on the house in the video is wolfe55 @ 55 seconds. This is a good and primary example of what a five-by-five looks like.

Aug 26th, 2021: WATCH THE VIDEO HERE.

So what would they be signaling? Could it be a fire? Could it be the storms coming up the coast? It's been reported the eye of Hurricane IDA formed and about an hour (approximately 2 am on Aug. 29,2021) ago CNN reported it's turned into a Cat 4 as it nears Gulf Coast landfall. Fox News reported a storm surge of 15 feet (another five by five number) coming. Residents are told it's for sure going to flood in Louisiana. But, I believe they're signaling where they are in their mission. You see, I know the Geologists of the world know about this plan. They're among a few of the sick scientists behind it in the first place. NASA researching the Delta's of the world. USGS too. Was all about this. According to Don Fum Unesco, World Heritage sites would be used to make some negative interference happen regarding some elaborate plan that would result in the Delta's of the world changing.

These events prove that it's happening at an exponential rate.


Titled 'Landslide' Larry Elder clocks in...
Excerpt: "Larry Elder polls at around 18% of the vote. A pretty meager performance that could only be meaningful in a California recall. If he should become governor with less than a fifth of the total, and he just might, does it mean he is in danger of going down in history as “Landslide Larry?”

I could do this all day. I just don't have the time. Nor do I have the ability not to be absolutely angered when I'm pulling all of it together! It's absolutely surreal watching this unfold while the vast majority sit back thinking stuff that's pointless and useless at this time. I've had to forgive these guys for what they've done -'cause I see it clearly Folks- THIS IS MOCKERY- inside jargon, a telegraph! They're saying they're 18-20% into the goal of the plan! They are hiding this stuff on purpose! Don't you find it odd the news isn't pointing out ALL the landslides happening coast to coast? WAKE UP, PEOPLE! This land has been compromised. The talk about the infrastructure is all about this plan.

THESE ARE PRINCIPALITIES WORKING THROUGH MAN TO OPEN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT  Hence why they're able to pull off this land shifting using men all over the world in various different fields. They're clueless that every step of the way there is something happening below our feet that they're contributing to. I can't help but point out that all the lower-level Freemasons aren't being pulled out like all the guys at the top are. It's messed up how these Masons helped these guys achieve their desired goals to push the NWO and yet they get no clemency from the storms, sinkholes, landslides, or fires. I know a 33rd-degree Mason. He is sitting right off the Lake in one of the Carolinas right now. Not exempt from anything that is about to befall this nation. In fact, if he hasn't repented, he is soon to be face to face with his master satan in the pits. I pray he has repented. Just as I pray all of you have as well.

This article really tops off what I've been saying. Here we have them actually pointing out in their 'inside' jargon what they feel about the sinkholes.

  • Aug. 26, 2021 Sinkhole and water lines buzz at city commission "ASHLAND With the heavy equipment beeping and cranking outside the city building windows during Thursday’s city commission meeting, the sinkhole at the intersection of Greenup and 17th Street was the “elephant in the room,” said Commissioner Marty Gute".

The elephant in the room? Do you know what this even means? Let's look that up: According to Wikipedia... "The expression "the elephant in the room (or "the elephant in the living room") is a metaphorical idiom in English for an important or enormous topic, question, or controversial issue that is obvious or that everyone knows about but no one mentions or wants to discuss because it makes at least some of them uncomfortable and is personally, socially, or politically embarrassing, controversial, inflammatory, or dangerous. It is based on the idea/thought that something as conspicuous as an elephant can appear to be overlooked in codified social interactions and that the sociology/psychology of repression also operates on the macro scale.

Another signal: "Butwal, August 29

A 10-year-old girl died when her house collapsed due to a landslide in Tansen, the district headquarters of Palpa, on Sunday morning. The victim has been identified as Naini Darji (10), the daughter of Narayan Darji, a resident of Kailashnagar, Tansen-5. A landslide at around 2:30 am today had resulted in the collapse of the house."

Aug. 29, 2021 Landslide in Indonesia Claims 5 lives 

NASA, DOE, DOJ, SANDIA LABORATORIES, Nuclear instrumentation, oil pipeline, petrochemical pipeline, USGS, Hotshot fire crew, Geophysics, geothermal operations, fracking, and more pulled together by the powers that be to steal the light of GOd's children. EL left home, came here, Immanuel was blameless, and a perfect sacrifice who left home to suffer in the flesh FOR THE WORLD to have a way to obtain life. This world is perishing. We have got a Noah named Jonathan Kleck who has been warning of the end for 20 years or so now. If you chose to ignore the gospel (as it was poured out all over all flesh) then there's no one to blame but yourself for not understanding what's going on. Just simply repent. I've not covered everything that's happened herein. And since IDA is headed our way there is a load of people who are about to take their last breath who simply don't know Jesus. This should NOT be so and there is a solution...

REPENT! Just repent and ask Jesus into your life today. He died with you in mind. If you've come here and read this, and you've not repented, you don't believe in "GOD", or you're a backslider... This is for you! A call, to reach you, it's not HIS will you perish. There's no stopping the judgment that's been set. However, there's HIS only begotten son calling out to YOU saying... I love you, and I want to stand with you to carry you through, just repent and believe in me (Jesus) cause it's true! All who believe in JESUS will not be ashamed at HIS coming, and will have everlasting life! 

Saints, be encouraged... 1000 will fall at thy side and 10,000 at thy right hand, but it will NOT COME NIGH THEE.

I love you <3

Linked articles covered and one's I didn't bullet with an excerpt:

Elephant in the room

Mockery: Book written about trump called Landslide:


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