1776... Let's learn a little more about this

Double posting this:

MyLondon.com has a writer who knows a little something about the weather that only those on the inside would know. 

"An excerpt from the linked article:  

"In June 2007 rainfall records were broken across the UK as ominous low-pressure weather fronts moved in.

It was Britain's wettest May to July period since records began in 1776.

Here in 2007 people were left distraught as flood waters overtook their homes in West London. July also witnessed unusually unsettled weather and above-average rainfall through the month. On July 20 parts of South West London were under two feet of water. Some 141 flights were cancelled at Heathrow. Two of four rail lines in South Croydon were closed by landslips and 25 stations were closed on the London Undeground."

Notice the misspelling in 'underground' (missing the R) and the use of the number 25 in multiple lines of this telegraph? How about the mention of how the weather has changed drastically beginning in 1776?  I wrote about how the telegraphing is said to miss letters and use these five by five numbers. 

Because Don Fum told me they did.

With nothing being "constant", weather patterns drastically changing, and the need to depopulate, insiders are still telegraphing the 'next step in the plan'. I can assure you this is a telegraph; just can't tell you exactly what they're telegraphing. I did find it interesting that they used the year 1776 in this telegraph (as it was a very important year for those who have plans to control and rule the world). 

Let's not forget. Don Fum's mysterious directions is the full plan in it's cryptic format. He says volcano's there in the UK are vital to the overall plan to depopulate using gases in the air. https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-1431097291760334 This could (or could not) have something to do with the big boom they're awaiting that will shift the landscape of the world. That I won't ever know in real time to share with you all. 

What is evident is they have a need to kill, steal, and destroy the light within the human host body system and that will not change until they've accomplished the plans Adam Weishaupts bike Courier was caught with in 1776. And because the telegrapher mentioned it, I thought I would point the mockery out, and share something with you that you may not know exists. 

The man-made climate change -Don Fum said would be their excuse- that's brought to us by satellite systems, the DOE, NASA, and Sandia (along with a few other alphabet agencies) is now being spoken of as if it's the year they began recording crazy weather patterns? How would anyone know if this is the truth? None of us alive today were alive then! Oh, but the use of the year 1776 has been very popular lately! And according to the linked article above "the Met Office national weather service said a "multi-pronged attack" of wind, rain and snow was sweeping the country."

A multi-prolonged attack of... WHAT? 

I have to laugh cause I know just how crazy it all sounds. Despite those who don't believe or understand anything about cryptography upon seeing this telegraph I felt it was necessary to post the following publication about 1776 published report:

1776 Commission Takes Historic and Scholarly Step to Restore Understanding of the Greatness of the American Founding: "1776 Commission—comprised of some of America’s most distinguished scholars and historians—has released a report presenting a definitive chronicle of the American founding, a powerful description of the effect the principles of the Declaration of Independence have had on this Nation’s history, and a dispositive rebuttal of reckless “re-education” attempts that seek to reframe American history around the idea that the United States is not an exceptional country but an evil one. Please, read the copy of the report, which can be found here."


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