Could dinosaur be the Locusts of Noe day?

Everyone who knows or follows me on any social media platform can derive the fact I talk about a cryptic plan. This plan has many components. During the time of me ciphering the plan, I was attacked by the powers that be. They not only destroyed most of my work; they made my other blog attack people's computers. HOW INFURIATING; (link here: BEWARE THEY MESSED WITH IT)

That didn't (nor will it) stop me; It's consistent. Many times I will post something and come back to it and there's something there I didn't do; it's messed with. They do this because I'm heavily targeted and I'm sure me using google makes it that much easier. I make grammar mistakes often. But, nothing like some of these posts turn out (I even use Grammarly to reduce that). Anyhow, I'm not perfect. But gotta put this out here so as to bring awareness to it. I've got documented proof. Check it out if you desire. HERE or even HERE; Proof someone else is on my computer.

Ok; Let me move on... 

It's exciting to see so many people waking up to corruption. It's not exciting to know they've yet to obtain the total truth. Jesus is the truth, and unless you've accepted him and searched for him with your whole heart; you totally can't know who he is. I know because it's written: Jeremiah 23:13 And ye shall seek me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart. I was willing to lose my life to find the truth. Hence why my testimony is so wild. Being hunted for all these years has been a blessing (to a degree) because I found Christ (or he found me). I pray YOU to do the same. 

Time is definitely not on the side of the world. Around 4-5 years ago I'd had a vision of the end. The fire was coming out of the sky, houses were exploding all around me, then Giants taller than the tallest trees came into view. These giants made us look like grasshoppers JUST LIKE IT'S WRITTEN! 

Numbers 13:33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. 

I'd had to pray on this. Who were these giants? Are these giants real? Where did they come from? All these questions (and then some) arose and I wanted answers! So, I began praying and asking Abba what did I see and what did it mean? The dream ended with me petting a baby lamb, and this wasn't a normal dream, it was a dream vision that I know is true and will come to pass. The vision was so intense there's no way to actually verbalize the many feelings.

There are some personal aspects of myself revealed that I needed to focus on cleaning up. I've never done well for anything and didn't really have any faith; it was clear; I needed to work on myself spiritually. I tell more of that side on my personal testimony blog. What I'd like to address and expound on here are the giants. The Lord thy God put me on a journey to find out more about the ancient things of this world. One of the first things I'd seen was this photo below of a dinosaur in a snake eating its own tail.

Soon after I began researching what historians claim to have happened to the dinosaur. I'd found out there were lots of things they never disclosed to the public. Such as dinosaurs being found next to footprints, them having feathers, and many more having wings that weren't classified as birds. I've never believed the evolution theory. There's evidence the theory is nothing more than a man-made idea. What I'm to say I feel is closer to the truth will sound strange to everyone. However, I do believe it's worth paleontologists and others in their respective fields to consider (especially those who don't believe the written word of God).

You should know much of our history was covered up/altered. Giants were destroyed by the Smithsonian and history books just keep changing. There's the mandela effect theory that's obviously strange to say the least. It makes much more sense to say the powers that be know how to keep the public from obtaining the truth through changing things and then altering the recorded history of it.

In my searches, it became clear that what happened in the days of Noe would happen in the days of the coming of the son of man (Matthew 24:37-39) and that there was nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9) so we can derive what happened before the flood will happen again. Since Revelations 9 and Joel 2 talks about a scary-looking locust army, I can easily surmise that there was something that comes out of the ground in those days similar to what we're told in Rev. 9.

Revelations 9; (we can see it's already beginning to happen)

9 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

Opening the bottomless pit sounds to me like a volcanic explosion. A cloud of smoke as a great furnace so happens to come out of volcanos. I envision this event as it is the ring of fire and in the middle of it is a keyhole. The key given to the angel will be used to unlock the pit. In the turning of the key, there's motion occurring and it's causing earthquakes all around the ring of fire up until the lock is fully turned to open the door. We see earthquakes around this area daily now like never before! Those who monitor and record these events claim it's because there are more technological devices in place. However, if you look up the history on it that theory (or claim) proves to be false. 

Ring of Fire encompassed by earthquakes

Check out the Iceland explosion that began going off May 19, 2021. Then St. Vincent followed

There are absolutely no errors in the word of God that would ever cause me to look anywhere else for an answer to anything but specifically; "what's next?"

Over two years ago I began telling what I knew in terms of this cryptic plan. It told me volcanos would be exploding. Here we are with volcanos blowing that have been dormant for 800 years? What are the odds of that one? This is prophecy unfolding. 

Volcanos exploding will cause darkness to come over the land right? This has already happened in Barbados; at 3:40 in the afternoon a fifty-year-old lady reports it's pitch black and she's never seen it this dark

It's apparent that what I'm expecting to happen will be global! 

Isaiah 60:2 “For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”

So when the darkness happens there will be a swarm of locusts that will come out of the pit. I've researched this, prayed on it, and sought wisdom from on high and realized that this happened in Noe day. There was a beast that was released upon the earth. This beast was similar to what will be released when the ring of fire blows! It's more than possible the dinosaur was the locusts in Noe day! 

Because nothing is new under the sun, and these dinosaur records are found under layer after layer of sediment, it wouldn't be hard to calculate a flood coming in and wiping everything out burying everything under the debris as it washed around the globe for a year. Even the pyramids of Giza and the sphinx have signs of water damage! Being here millions of years makes no sense to me because it doesn't match up to the written word of God! They claim they know this because of sediment. Well, do they factor in sediment being different because of a major flood that covered the whole earth? My studies show they don't. This alone is ridiculous. It just seems they're going out of their way to try and keep an idea going versus the idea the Bible is accurate in its accounts. 

And since Satan (or Lucifer) is the "god" of this age it makes sense why he would want to keep false accounts more prevalent than accounts of the bible being true. 

It doesn't match the biblical word, and still can't be adequately verified with a logical explanation by anyone in the industry, why are we so apt as people to buy the narrative? I'm not, and I challenge you to do the same.

By using the breath of the Creator (that will never pass away) we can logically say whatever Noe and his family seen WE WILL SEE and since there is NOTHING KNEW UNDER THE SUN this has not only happened before, but it was one of the final events to happen before the world was destroyed. Hence why the hieroglyphics show these beasts with images of mankind! 

They saw these beasts and the giants that came with them and that's why they carved the images into the rock. People don't just draw or create art of things they've never seen. They totally had to envision it in one way or another to produce the work we can view in various photos across the web.

Just consider the world got really bad (like it is now) and a great earthquake came through and split the ground open and the firmament of the Dome was opened up causing a great flood by rain above and water below. 

Look, they taught us in school that you can dig into the ground and when you get deep enough you will hit water. That's why the people dug wells. But, the powers that be now tell everyone water isn't replenishable. In fact, a recent report came out stating they just found the United States has a huge body of water underneath it. This makes no sense to a logical thinker like me. If they knew long ago they could dig wells to hit water what happened over the years to cause them to say we need rain to replenish water to later come out and say there are bodies of water under the USA again? Sounds to me like Confucious really laid one on the people. So, why are the massive amounts of disinformation surrounding the water below the earth's crust globally?

An agenda!

They don't want you to know the truth. Because; what does the bible say? YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE (John 8:32-36). Because the whole world system is about Lucifer stealing the lights of stars (angels) to raise his throne above the stars of EL (Isaiah 14) they must keep every narrative besides the truth going. 

Can you imagine waking up to a huge earthquake having gone off, the earth being pitch black at noon, and then something hitting your house with a huge thud (let's say you're on the 20th floor in a high tower), the thud keeps getting closer and closer, and then BOOM, you see a locust with hair all over it that has a face of a man and a tail of a scorpion coming after you? 

I can.

Because it's written and I believe absolutely every written word of the bible. If you don't believe the truth it's time to wake up sleeper! Arise from the dead so that Christ can give thee light. What's coming out of those exploding volcanos will torture men for five months which sounds like a gestational stage to me. 

Oddly, the jab... 

When I'd read the plan's cryptic line items and put them together I said "Oh my! It looks to me like they're spraying us with a disease in nano-particulates, dropping this crap on us from rockets being shot up in the air also, and going to try to change our DNA with a nanobot that has the composition of a parasite. Here we are with a jab that changes your DNA? 

Please, stop googling stuff like that. Cause google is going to tell you that's not true. Research for yourself and you will find out, it's not just true, it's far more sinister than that. It connects you to the cloud, it can be controlled, and it also puts the recipient under the control of the powers that be. There's a lot to know about these activities. However, it all boils down to one thing; THEY WANT YOUR SOUL.

Because we've been inundated with lies most believe that once ya die you will come back as another person or in an animal. Or maybe you simply won't exist anymore. Whatever people think is ok with them as long as it's not the truth; ya know? They seriously want you to be scared of death. They want you terrified to die. Because...

When you know the truth. Death becomes a GIFT! A gift everyone wants to have. 

Perpetuating fear through propaganda tools while lying to you about history is one of the biggest crimes this world has managed to get away with. Through the lies of it all, it's hard to sort through and make a solid historical account make sense. Unless you've been placed firmly on the rock. Then your spiritual eyes are open and you can properly discern between what's what. 

Dinosaur and these locusts may not look the same as each other (or maybe they do) who knows other than the Most High? No man can say. I'm not going to pretend to know everything. But, what I do know is this plan tells me a seismic earthquake will rock the world blowing earthquakes causing tsunamis, and killing thousands of thousands of people (along with dousing us with chemicals from above, in food, and water) while also outright killing people any way they possibly can. Soon as this happens we will end up in a war on our soil. I suppose that's what Deagel knew when they reported back in 2016-17 227 million Americans are expected to die between then and 2025. 

The scriptures are very clear about what happens to Mystery Babylon. We (USA) are mystery Babylon. Scriptures say it will be better for Sodom and Gomorrah than for the US on the day his hand of judgment comes down. It's written that only those who have the seal of the Living God will be protected from those beasts. So, my question to you is, do you believe the written word of God? Or do you believe history and man-made theological expressions over it? What will you do when you find out his word didn't lie? Are you aware there comes a moment when you're able to make assessments, sound decisions, and determinations of whether God is real and if his words are true will end?  Don't be foolish. Don't be a fence sitter (satan owns that fence). The Lord thy God is pouring his spirit out all over the globe on people of ALL walks of life. 

The army of Locusts will be attacking everyone who does not believe and it sounds to me as if they're going to change you into something you otherwise would not become (just like the jab). Why risk it?

Ask him today;

Are you real? Can you show me how true your words are? And if you doubt my assessment of when the dinosaur was really here ask him that too! He is good. Gives to ALL men liberally what they ask! But, a closed mouth does not get fed. If you are a believer and know the word is perfect have you ever thought about how the dinosaur fit into the scheme of it all? If not, what do you think about this? I've believed the dinosaur was in Noe day since the revelations began for me just after my vision. When I realized what the Most High was showing me my walk began to change. I fear what the Lord thy God can do to me. I pray you do too! 

Much love and many blessings. 

P.s isn't it funny how simple it is when you add scripture to a historical event? Sure would save a lot of time and money to address things the proper way. But, then again... It wouldn't be so easy to deceive us now, would it? Also, he accepted a sinner like me and totally helped me to turn around and stand upright. He will do that for you too! 


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