Ancient Artifacts: Do they show us Biblical truth?

If you take a look at Ancient Artifacts close enough you can see pictorials of a people who were advanced. Egyptian pyramids and other artifacts are protected by the military for reasons untold. They have many different speculative stories that vary from place to place but all have common denominators too. So, this is where I find Jonathan Kleck had to have a gift from The Creator himself imparted unto him by the Holy Spirit. He quite controversially decodes the Hieroglyphs and it makes a whole lot more sense than any other story I've heard. You should give the guy a listen.

You see over time I found that the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx showed signs of water damage. I believe that In the Bible they are told of in early times by depictions of the "gods" that had came and defiled the earth. In revelations 9 it is told that there will come Locusts upon the face of the earth who have a king over them. The angel of the bottomless pit Abbaddon aka Appollyon in the Greek tongue. In my search for the truth I feel that Father gave me a revelation a few years back in regards to the dinosaurs being the same as the Locusts. You see to me it makes far more sense when you put all the pieces together.

Biblical text tells us:

Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah was so will it be in the days of the coming of the son of man.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

This tells us that what happened before the flood will happen after the flood. There have been books that were said not to be canonized for various reasons that I won't get into. I'm noting this though because there is a book of the Giants. These giants were spoken of in Genesis 6:4 and if you put together these ancient artifacts it paints a much more different story than that which they teach us in schools throughout the world. So, why is this? Could they have intentionally wanted to hide the truth? Well, to me it really does appear that way. So, I've put together some interesting finds to explore this idea with you all briefly so I can get some feedback.

I once seen a UFO with 3 other members of my family. But growing up we were taught not to elaborate on that because it wasn't normal. Countless other Americans have claimed sightings. A couple large events was the Phoenix lights and Roswell. But, these were classified, and anyone who wanted to speak about them were informed that they had better not. As a matter of fact it wasn't until recently that we began hearing about the possibility of ET's having visited earth. There was also a congressional hearing that spoke on Aliens actually working with our government.

Yes, you heard that right. They claimed that aliens have WORKED with our GOVERNMENT and in the name of National Security this information has been withheld from us to keep us safer. Kind of odd how they hide this and then boom develop Space Force 8 so that we can be prepared for an alien invasion. What do these guys know that they aren't telling? If you ask me it's simply hiding who you are and why we actually are even here. Because, it makes more sense to find out as man evolved after Noah these Angels came back down and mated with woman and they bore giants and tainted all of our bloodlines. Just as in Noah day and it was the reason for the flood. Now, here is where Im simply speculating. But it makes sense to me to say the dinosaurs could've been their locusts (in the day of Noah) that was sent to torment men like the Locusts that will come here to torment man. This is why they are found in sketched into stones. One can only assume this is exactly the reason why dinosaurs were found with footprints and said to have feathers. Plus, this also would make the timeline of biblical text far more accurate than that of what scientists and other well known scholars have determined in terms of the age of our globe.

But, let me let you decide how these anomalies could be true if history has been taught to us correctly:

This prehistoric relic is was found by Lanzhou Mr. Zhilin Wang and has a clear indication of having a screw head cut. How is this possible if it is said to be prehistoric?

In 1898 this small wooden winged object was found in a tomb located in north Saqqara, Egypt and although it is 2,000 years old it looks like a modern-day aircraft!

 Do you find it odd that a helicopter is found to be raised up on a stone that is found on an Egyptian Temple wall panel? It sure doesn't fit into the narrative of us being the first civilized people now does it?

Or how about this 5,000 year old spark plug that was found in Coso Mountains, California?

Now, if that isn't enough lets just go back to the dinosaurs. How can people who have never seen dinosaurs depict them perfectly in clay art?

 These dinosaurs are said to have been extinct some 65 million years ago, and since technology wasn't advanced enough for people to explore the world, how then did they have the mind to come up with the exact depiction of them? El Toro Mountain in Mexico Near El Toro there were more than 33,000 figurines that were made of porcelain discovered.

This is actually a very strange picture here that I believe adds some validity to my theory: 

Found at Ta Prohm Temple deep in the jungles of Cambodia. Khmer civilization's temple has remarkable work. This civilization was said to last form 800’s AD - 1400’s AD. The temple is covered with the most intricate of carvings. Is this a stegosaurus?

But, not if you listen to Kleck decode the hieroglyphs and get into your bible. They are intriguing enough to give you a glimpse of what will be happening in the very near future. Because, in Revelations 9 the locusts out of the pit were like men but also beasts. Now, isn't that what we see in this image above?

So, what if these were built by these Giants (it makes more sense than aliens coming here and helping to create them and then leaving our military to guard them and keep them hidden from the people) shows pictures of human prints with these dinosaur prints and this was also on Ancient Aliens so snopes can't debunk that 

Well, just wanted to drop that thought seeing as from time to time I look more closely at these things because they are very interesting to say the least. My vision of then end of the world just before the lamb of God showed I was witnessing an invasion of giants that were taller than the tallest trees and they had breastplates of iron and hair all over their body. These things were insanely giant and it made me think well what if dinosaurs were their "pets"... Upon looking I uncovered these things. Prints next to human prints and also signs of very advanced technology.

Many Christians today like to argue that Giants aren't real and this was simply a metaphor. But, there is so much evidence proving that giants did exist. So, if we lined this up with biblical text wouldn't it be safe to assume the locusts spoken of in Revelation 9 could be the cousin of the dinosaur? Could Cern have opened a portal and let these things in? I guess only time will tell. But, I'd like to know others thoughts on this subject matter. Because, I have a feeling that real real soon we are going to learn the truth in regards to these giants and these dinosaurs that I believe were here wreaking havoc on the earth before The Most High opened the flood water gates and destroyed them all. This would make a solid case for the civilization of Noah's time being just as advanced as we are now. The same reason that all these abominations have come into existence. Could it be that satanists fed the beast enough that the cup of blood and abominations have run over, and the reason why Father is pouring out his spirit to all his believers, telling us that his judgement is coming down on America?

Side note: Father did tell me the other day that the Ancient of Days are going to appear at any moment. Is this relative to this? My visions never prove to be false. It will be a sight to see that's for sure. But, I don't want to be around with them. I pray to have the seal of God on my forehead so that these Locusts can't sting me and torment me for 5 months. I am one who believes in the literal meaning of the Word. There's been more than enough supernatural events in my life to verify this for me.

You see above the aliens and the space ships? Is there any relationship to the aliens that Space Force 8 is expecting? I do believe I have some very legit concerns and questions here. Has anyone of you ever thought about this?


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