Changing DNA
I'm always saying, "I wish there were more of me". Then we could know things before they happen. I totally want to help people see what's happening around us and come to understand it! This is one reason for acknowledging the teacher appointed for the body of Christ named Jonathan Kleck. How freaking strange is it that anyone of us could find out all the top secret details by looking into the pages of this book - applying cipher text principles - to obtain that message? Not as strange as the supernatural revelations that originate out of Jk's house. But strange enough to act as a confirmation to me that Jk is our modern-day Noah. A top-secret message embedded into the pages of a book found in the Library of Congress? Yeppers! Sure is! All the evil they've done is not covered up. It is all out for anyone of us to obtain it. It's really fascinating to me. How intelligent of a design this all is. Plus it is all now out in the open. Because of all the destr...